Weekly News Digest
June 12, 2008 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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NISO Announces CORE Initiative
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO; www.niso.org) has approved work on a new standard project, CORE (Cost Of Resource Exchange), to facilitate the exchange of cost, fund, vendor, and invoice information between Integrated Library Systems (ILS), Business Systems, Electronic Resource Management Systems (ERMS), and other interested parties such as Subscription Agents. People interested in joining the CORE Working Group or affiliated interest group are asked to contact NISO. The target date for completion of the draft standard is Dec. 1, 2008.The new work item was first proposed by Jeff Aipperspach, product manager, Serials Solutions; Ted Koppel, AGent Verso (ILS) product manager, Auto-Graphics, Inc.; and Ed Riding, technical product manager, SirsiDynix. In describing the project, Riding says, "We have three main goals. First, we want to develop and refine the list of data elements exchanged between an ERMS, ILS, Business Systems, and other interested parties holding acquisitions metadata to support the population of the ERMS with financial and vendor information in the automated system. Second, we intend to create a transport protocol useful in moving these data elements from one system to another. Third, we will write a small number of use cases which will help all parties understand the capabilities of the protocol." The Working Group expects to complete the XML schema by Nov. 1, 2008, and have an approved American National Standard by spring 2009. People interested in this project should contact Karen A. Wetzel, NISO standards program manager, at kwetzel@niso.org. An initial group roster is expected by July 11, 2008. Source: National Information Standards Organization
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Brandi Scardilli