Weekly News Digest
February 9, 2023 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
CLICK HERE to view more Weekly News Digest items.
'Introducing the New EPUB Reader for E-Books at the Library of Congress' by Carlyn Osborn
Carlyn Osborn writes the following for the Library of Congress blog The Signal:When we first made open access e-books available on loc.gov [via The Open Access Books Collection], titles were available for download in either PDF or EPUB format, but PDF was the only one available for reading directly on the website; loc.gov did not support viewing EPUBs in the browser and they were only available for download. As many books were available in both formats or in PDF only, this ensured most titles were viewable directly on the website. However, we recognized an increase in titles available in EPUB only so we are happy to share the news that an EPUB viewer was launched on loc.gov. The viewer makes EPUBs available for reading on loc.gov and provides a richer interface for users. For more information, read the blog post.
Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor
Brandi Scardilli