Weekly News Digest
November 28, 2005 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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Internet Archive Offers New Archive Service
The Internet Archive (http:// www.archive.org) has launched the public Web site http://www.archive-it.org, which allows users to create, manage, and search their own Web archives through a Web interface. The Archive-It service has been developed, in particular, for memory institutions and state archives. The Internet Archive has been testing and developing the application through a pilot program that includes 13 institutions ( mainly libraries and archives) that are potential users of this service. The collections developed through the pilot are all available for search and browse access through the public facing site.According to information on the site, the new subscription service requires no technical expertise. Archive-It can be used to archive an institution's own Web site or build collections of up to 100 Web sites. Through the Web-based interface, users can create collections, catalogue the Web sites associated with a collection, archive Web sites in the collection, monitor the archiving process, search and browse the collection when complete, and administer access to these collections. In addition, the service will support collaborative collections, where curators at separate organizations can create and share collections. The Internet Archive hosts the service and stores the data, but it can provide a copy for the institution's local use. The Web archives can also be added to the Internet Archive's overall collection for long-term access and preservation if a subscriber decides to discontinue use of the service. The primary tools used for harvesting and access are open source, and the storage file format is nonproprietary. Source: Internet Archive
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Brandi Scardilli