Weekly News Digest
February 2, 2012 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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Infotrieve Launches New Features for Mobile Library
Infotrieve, Inc. announced a new release of its cloud-based Mobile Library, updated with an improved search function, additional features for Personal & Shared Libraries and general user interface enhancements. This new release also integrates the Mobile Library with Infotrieve’s BRAVO, a web-based aggregation platform that simplifies bulk ordering of reprints and eprints.Mobile Library’s new features include: an enhanced search interface with additional flexibility for ranking results, and the addition of an auto-complete feature; new functionality in the Personal & Shared Library Suite including a dashboard showing recent changes to the library, discussion pages in each library for general comments, user creation and management of shared libraries, and enhanced administrative controls; and updates to the Browsed Holdings feature including improved filtering, copyright permissions ordering, and compact citation display. Infotrieve’s Mobile Library offers fully secure, cloud-based anywhere, anytime access to enterprise econtent, along with instant access to a world of knowledge on a pay-per-view basis. Leveraging Infotrieve’s “borderless office” technology, users can seamlessly switch among their PC, Mac, or iPad without skipping a beat, as their workspace is automatically synchronized across devices. As a flexible econtent software solution, the Mobile Library can serve a variety of customer needs, from easy searching and ordering of pay-per-view content, to a comprehensive rights management solution integrated with shared libraries and social features. Mobile Library has more than 325,000 users from 6,500 organizations in more than 80 countries. The Mobile Library platform was initially launched as Content SCM in November 2008. The Mobile Library iPad app was first released in September 2010 and the entire platform was renamed Mobile Library as part of a branding update in October 2011. Source: Infotrieve, Inc.
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Brandi Scardilli