Weekly News Digest
March 3, 2003 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
CLICK HERE to view more Weekly News Digest items.
H.W. Wilson Expands Journal Coverage
H.W. Wilson announced that two WilsonWeb periodicals databases—Art Full Text and Social Sciences Full Text—are being enhanced with increased journal coverage, new treatment of key specialties, and broader international scope. The new coverage will also be reflected in Art Abstracts, Art Index, Social Sciences Abstracts, and Social Sciences Index.Fifty-one new periodicals have been added to Art Full Text (starting with January 2003 issues), boosting total coverage to nearly 450. Art Full Text users will note new coverage of crafts, costumes and textiles, non-western art, contemporary art, and feminist art criticism, plus broader coverage of archaeology, architecture, and art history. The database also provides new coverage of sources from Europe, East and Central Asia, Australia, and Canada. New journals were selected with the help of prominent art library consultants and the ALA RUSA Committee on Wilson Indexes. Social Sciences Full Text adds 32 journals (starting with June 2003 issues), more than doubling its coverage of mass media and communications titles, while also increasing coverage of area studies. New area studies titles encompass Africa and Asia, with a focus on Korea and Japan. All the additions are peer-reviewed journals and core sourcebooks in their respective specialties, recommended by Magazines for Libraries as well as the ALA RUSA Committee on Wilson Indexes. Total coverage increases to more than 550 periodicals. Source: H.W. Wilson
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Brandi Scardilli