Weekly News Digest
November 23, 2009 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
CLICK HERE to view more Weekly News Digest items.
Dow Jones Introduces New Executive Dashboard
Dow Jones & Co. (www.dowjones.com), a News Corp. company, announced the release of its Executive Dashboard developed by Dow Jones Client Solutions. More than just a list of news headlines, the Dow Jones Executive Dashboard aims to provide a visual inventory of the pressing internal and external information that CEOs require to run a successful business. The new dashboard is designed specifically to address a problem most executives face: lots of good information in too many places. The Dow Jones Executive Dashboard brings the most important news and information together in a single location so that CEOs gain a 360-degree view of internal and external events across the business. It speeds up response time by providing a visual presentation of performance measures and reports, along with the ability to drill down into detailed data that are often buried deep within corporate portals, applications, and the web. The Dow Jones Executive Dashboard is built on a flexible and configurable foundation and offers a platform-agnostic approach. It is designed around an organization's framework and to their specifications. Unlike competing solutions, it easily retrieves and organizes information from across the enterprise, such as existing dashboards or business intelligence systems. The dashboard helps organizations achieve better return on their business intelligence investments by creating deeper relevance and external context for the information that exists in an organization but is not always used or easy to find. Dow Jones Client Solutions' design, integration, and visualization methodology enables experts to rapidly develop and deploy custom yet cost-effective Dashboard solutions. For more information about Dow Jones and its products, visit www.solutions.dowjones.com/solutions. Source: Dow Jones & Co.
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Brandi Scardilli