Weekly News Digest
February 27, 2012 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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Cengage Learning to Provide Discounted Etextbooks to California State University
Cengage Learning has announced an agreement with California State University (CSU) to provide discounted etextbooks to students as part of the Affordable Learning Solutions campaign. This 3-year contract will allow more than 400,000 students on 23 campuses to access Cengage Learning eTextbooks at a substantial cost savings.The Affordable Learning Solutions campaign is part of a CSU initiative to help control the cost of education for students. Cengage Learning was selected as a partner by CSU following an extensive request for proposals process. Beyond just a select number of campuses and courses, Cengage Learning will be providing etextbooks for all academic disciplines and departments. Cengage Learning etextbooks can be purchased by CSU students through their campus bookstore and CengageBrain.com. The etextbooks are device and Learning Management System (LMS) agnostic, can be accessed online or offline, and include interactive capabilities, such as note-taking and highlighting. In other news, Cengage Learning terminated the license to sell its titles through digital textbook seller Kno, and Kno—which counts on Cengage material for about a quarter of its sales—is suing for breach of a license agreement. Cengage accused Kno of copyright infringement when it added new note-taking features to its ereader platform. Source: Cengage Learning
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Brandi Scardilli