Weekly News Digest
August 23, 2010 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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Cengage Learning Enhances CengageBrain.com
Cengage Learning has launched an enhanced version of its direct-to-consumer website, CengageBrain.com, offering new features for students and instructors. The website, which allows students to purchase or rent textbooks, ebooks, or individual echapters and download study tools, features a more intuitive interface that connects students to many of the site’s value-adds, as well as a section specifically designed for instructors. The website also easily connects to the CengageBrain Facebook page where students can find the Br@iniac application, which locates virtual study partners for students.The page details the various format options students have for the course material, highlights shipping options and costs, and includes a digital hub with instant access to study tools, eChapters and homework tools, such as Aplia. When instructors assign a package of materials, including multiple books and digital learning materials, students now have the option to rent the textbook portion on CengageBrain.com to save money on the total package. The homepage also easily connects students to its interactive social media offerings. The Twitter feed provides an opportunity for direct interaction with the brand and regular CengageBrain news, coupons and other promotions. With the iPhone/iTouch application, students can instantly access free study materials. In addition, the site now includes a section specifically for instructors, which helps illustrate the benefits of the various format options available on CengageBrain.com, allowing the instructor to choose the appropriate course materials that will best suit their students' needs. The instructor-specific page also features the recently launched “Engaging Today's Classroom” podcast series. This series features interviews with instructors, textbook authors and thought leaders, focusing on trends in the higher education classroom and ways instructors can better engage their students. Source: Cengage Learning
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Brandi Scardilli