Weekly News Digest
September 9, 2021 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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Cassyni Launches to Revitalize the Online Seminar Infrastructure
The founders of Kopernio (now EndNote Click), Mendeley, and Publons created a new company called Cassyni. The press release states the following:With the launch of Cassyni, the team seeks to address a previously underserved problem in research: the discovery, organisation and publication of academic seminars. Seminars are a critical part of the research ecosystem, with more than a million held each year. They are a key part of research culture allowing academics to share ideas, often while they are still in development. During the pandemic, in-person seminars have become difficult to hold, but online meetings have opened up opportunities to increase the reach and impact of academic seminars. Cassyni is a smart online video seminar space—making it much easier for researchers to create, capture and publish content and recordings of academic seminars in a cohesive and transparent manner. … Researchers organize, host, run and publish their own seminars, and assign them with a DOI so they can be cited by the academic community and also discover seminars of interest and join live or watch recordings of past seminars. … Academic institutions increase the global impact and reach of their research by providing institution-wide access to Cassyni. Institutions can much better support the growth of research communities and amplify the international reach and impact of seminars via dedicated institutional analytics and comparisons. Improving the online seminar infrastructure within the university can bring together members of a department or multi-disciplinary teams to build a more cohesive research culture. For more information, read the press release.
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Brandi Scardilli