Weekly News Digest
June 23, 2020 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
CLICK HERE to view more Weekly News Digest items.
COVID-19 NEWS: 'Data Reveals 60 Percent of People Want to Stay at Home After COVID-19'
Adzooma released the findings of a survey of nearly 450 anonymous workers that show that working remotely “could be the new normal, killing the traditional office as we know it.” Adzooma concludes, “Even after the pandemic has passed the worst, social distancing and hygiene rules will change the way an office will look and work.”The company “interviewed dozens of businesses about their current plans and opinions. In addition, we also asked key experts Professor Irene Hardill, Dr Daniel Wheatley and psychotherapist Paul Ansorge for their thoughts on what’s in store and how this will affect workers both physically and mentally.” This infographic sums up the findings. For more information, read the blog post.
Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor
Brandi Scardilli