Weekly News Digest
March 22, 2022 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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Accessible Archives Shares Historical Companion Resources for The Gilded Age
The finale of the first season of HBO’s The Gilded Age aired on March 21, and Accessible Archives has been releasing a series of blog posts touting its resources on the time period.“Work-Life Balance in the Gilded Age” notes, “Godey’s Lady’s Book offered what they considered to be practical advice to Gilded Age households of more moderate means, but as [for] how arrangements in the dining room should be handled, the devil was in the details. … At the same time, other Gilded Age publications were wondering whether there might not be more intelligent attention given to balancing out the daily hours of housekeeping with healthier occupations.” “Vanderbilt’s Palace—The Gilded Age” states, “William H. Vanderbilt commissioned the architectural firm of Herter Brothers to design and build a joined set of Fifth Avenue residences—one side being for Vanderbilt and his wife and the other for his two married daughters. For Vanderbilt, one key consideration of the residential construction was proper housing and display of his expanding collection of art. Frank Leslie’s Weekly shone a dramatic spotlight on the structure for its readers.” “The Douglass Banquet, A Gilded Age Event” describes “a banquet given in January of 1883 with the guest of honor being Frederick Douglass. The occasion so noted was the 20th anniversary of Lincoln’s signing of the Emancipation Proclamation.”
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Brandi Scardilli