Weekly News Digest
August 22, 2023 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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ALA Participates in National Voter Registration Day and Continues the Fight for the Right to Read
ALA is joining Nonprofit VOTE as a premier partner for National Voter Registration Day 2023 on Sept. 19. ALA was also a partner in 2022. “As a national partner, ALA encourages libraries across the country to participate in this critical annual celebration,” ALA notes, which ends with the Sept. 19 day of action. “Library workers and partners can find sample graphics, social media posts, and other promotional resources at the National Voter Registration Day website,” nationalvoterregistrationday.org/2023-partner-sign-up. For more information, read the press release.ALA also announced that the Freedom to Read Foundation and the American Association of School Librarians joined the Association of University Presses, Barnes & Noble Booksellers, and Freedom to Learn Advocates to file “an amicus curiae brief that supports the request by the American Booksellers Association, the Association of American Publishers, the Authors Guild, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and two Texas bookstores to halt enforcement of the Texas law HB 900 on the grounds that it violates the First Amendment rights of booksellers, publishers, authors and students.” ALA explains, “HB 900 would compel any vendor who sells books to a Texas school district or charter school to review and rate all of the books already sold to the school and any book it wishes to sell to schools in the future. Books would be rated as either ‘sexually explicit,’ ‘sexually relevant’ or ‘no rating’ based on unclear and arbitrary government criteria. Under the law, elementary and high school students would not be allowed to read or borrow books that merely touch on the topics of sex or relationships regardless of the work’s literary, scientific or artistic value.”
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Brandi Scardilli